Gomed Price in India

Gaya Gome

This Gemstone is very popular Gem in India. The most popular variety is of Gaya Gomed which is available in qualities that are valued from Rs15 per ratti to Rs.150 per ratti.

Gomed is mined in Orissa

This is a transparent Gemstone and comes in a Yellow and Chocolate colours. This is quite a valuable Gemstone – this has a very beautiful transparent colour. Its colours and the depth of colours and shine has a unique mystic feeling attached to it. Its varieties are available from Rs.250 per ratti to Rs.750 per ratti.

Ceylonese Gomed

Ceylonese Gomed. As the name indicates this Gomed is mined in Sri Lanka. This is a beautiful transparent Gemstone. Its precious varieties are rare and costly. This Gemstone is available in various varieties ranging from Rs.1100 per ratti to Rs.5100 per ratti.

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