Home » How Should a Natural Ruby Be Chosen and Purchased?

How Should a Natural Ruby Be Chosen and Purchased?

A ruby stone is a priceless gemstone recognised for its deep red hue. It is a kind of corundum, a mineral composed of aluminium oxide with the chemical formula Al2O3. Chromium is present in the corundum’s crystal structure, giving Ruby stones their deep red colour.

One of the most expensive gemstones in existence, rubies are frequently used in expensive jewellery, including rings, necklaces, and earrings. In some cultures, rubies are revered for their beauty as well as for their alleged spiritual and medicinal qualities, which include fostering vitality, strength, and self-assurance. Under extreme pressure and temperature, natural rubies are created deep under the Earth’s crust. In addition to alluvial deposits in river and stream beds, they are frequently discovered in metamorphic rocks like marble or gneiss.

Here Are Some Of Ruby’s Distinctive Qualities And Specialities:

· Ruby is well-known for its deep, rich red hue, which is frequently referred to as “pigeon’s blood” red. Depending on the presence of various minerals and the lighting, the colour’s intensity can change.

· Ruby has a Mohs hardness value of 9, making it a very hard gemstone. It is a strong stone as a result, able to bear normal wear and tear.

· Fine-quality rubies are extremely rare and expensive. The most expensive rubies are discovered in Burma (Myanmar), though they can also be found in Thailand, Sri Lanka, and Africa.

· Ruby, the July birthstone, is related to the Leo zodiac sign and has astrological significance. It is regularly employed in gemstone treatment since it is said to have potent astrological characteristics.

· Ruby has been linked to love, passion, and vigour for a very long time. It was frequently worn as a sign of protection in the past since it was thought to have healing properties.

· Asterism, or the “star” effect, is a distinctive optical feature that some rubies exhibit. This happens when light reflects off small imperfections in the stone that resemble needles, giving the design a starlike appearance. 

· It can be difficult to buy ruby because there are so many things to take into account. We will walk you through the process of choosing and purchasing a genuine ruby stone in this article.

· Take note of the colour: The most crucial element in establishing a ruby’s worth is its colour. Therefore consider this before beginning your search for a natural stone. A deep, rich crimson with a tinge of blue is the right colour for rubies. The most expensive colour is frequently called “pigeon’s blood,” and it is also the most rare. Rubies can be any shade of red, ranging from a lighter pinkish red to a darker brownish red. The trick is to find a natural Ruby stone that is uniformly coloured throughout with no obvious colour zoning.

· Examine the Clarity: Like all gemstones, rubies may have inclusions or intrinsic imperfections that detract from their clarity. Natural flaws are known as inclusions that develop throughout the formation of the gemstone. Some inclusions can give the stone personality and individuality, making them acceptable and even desirable. However, excessive inclusions might diminish the ruby’s appeal and worth. Look for a stone that offers a good blend of clarity and personality.

· Think about the cut: A ruby’s cut describes how it has been fashioned and polished. A well-cut ruby will have ideal dimensions, symmetry, and a smooth surface without any obvious nicks or scratches. A well-cut ruby will have superb brightness and fire because the cut has a significant impact on how light reflects inside the stone.

  • Look for treatments: Many rubies receive treatments to improve their clarity or colour. Common treatments include heating, which can enhance the stone’s colour and clarity, and filling, which can repair cracks or fissures to increase clarity. Although treated rubies are often less costly than untreated ones, they can still be stunning and coveted. It’s crucial to find out if and how much ruby has been treated before buying one.

· Verify the Certification: Make sure a natural ruby has received certification from a respected gemmological laboratory before making a purchase. The certification will include the diamond’s features, including its colour, clarity, cut, and carat weight, as well as any possible treatments.

· Think about the carat weight: A carat weighs 0.2 grammes, and it is used to quantify the size of a ruby. The size of the ruby should not be the primary consideration when choosing one because larger rubies are more costly and rare than smaller ones. More value can be found in a smaller, higher-quality ruby than in a larger, lower-quality one.

· Origin: A ruby’s provenance can also influence its worth. Due to their extraordinary colour and purity, rubies from some regions, such as Burma (formerly known as Myanmar), are in high demand. Rubies of good quality can be found in other places besides their country of origin. Therefore this shouldn’t be the only consideration.

· Make sure it fits your needs: When purchasing a natural ruby, make sure it fits your requirements. For instance, if you are purchasing a ruby for a wedding ring, you might want to select a stone that is hardy and can survive normal wear and tear.


Popular and priceless throughout history, ruby has been prized for its rarity and beauty. It is a variant of the mineral corundum, and the chromium in it gives it its red colour. There are several things to think about while searching for a natural ruby to make sure you are buying a high-quality stone. The history and tradition of the ruby are extensive, making it a stunning and highly sought-after gemstone. It is a popular material for jewellery and other decorative things because of its distinctive colour, hardness, and meaning. Overall, while choosing a natural rubystone, it’s crucial to take into account its colour, clarity, cut, carat weight, origin, certification, and treatment. Look for a stone with a deep, even colour, a nice combination of clarity and personality, a well-balanced and symmetrical cut, and a size that suits your needs and preferences. Ask the ruby about any possible treatments and confirm that it has been certified by a respected gemmological laboratory. You can confidently select a stunning and premium natural ruby with these considerations in mind.


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