Home » How to Wear Diamond or Heera Gemstone, vaidurya Description, Properties, Type, Purity, Identification and Method

How to Wear Diamond or Heera Gemstone, vaidurya Description, Properties, Type, Purity, Identification and Method

How to wear Diamond or Heera Gemstone, vaidurya Description, Properties, Type, Purity, Identification and method

Diamond or Heera is one of the most precious gemstones that is known for its beauty and hardness. It has been considered auspicious and a symbol of wealth since ancient times. However, considering hira stone price can also be a smart decision. However, wearing a diamond requires proper guidance to reap its maximum benefits.

Properties of Diamond

Diamond is a mineral composed entirely of pure carbon. When found in nature, it most commonly appears as a transparent gemstone ranging from colourless to light yellow, brown, grey, blue, green or red hues. Diamonds are classified precisely based on their colour, cut, clarity and carat weight. The finest quality diamonds will be completely colourless and clear without any inclusions or blemishes internally. Even minor tints or internal flaws affect the grading of a diamond. The cut of a diamond refers to the style and proportions of its polished facets. A well-cut diamond with symmetrical, well-proportioned facets allows maximum reflection and scintillation.

Clarity is a measure of internal characteristics like bubbles, cracks or clouds known as inclusions. Fewer or smaller inclusions indicate higher clarity. A diamond’s mass is measured in carats. One carat is equal to 0.2 grams. Heavier diamonds of high caratage are rarer and more valuable. The combined analysis of these 4C’s – colour, cut, clarity and carats helps determine the price and quality of a diamond. As per Indian astrology, the diamond is the representative gemstone of the planet Venus. It is believed that wearing a diamond bestows wealth, prosperity and happiness, as Venus is the signifier of luxuries in life.

Purity Identification of Diamond

It is important to ensure the diamond being worn is pure and authentic. There are certain tests that can help identify the purity of a diamond. An authentic diamond will have a definite crystalline structure when observed closely. It forms an organized geometric pattern due to its molecular composition. A fake diamond may not show such an exact structure.

The clarity and cut of a real diamond can clearly distinguish it from an imitation. A pure diamond is completely clear without any inclusions or blemishes inside. It is perfectly faceted and polished to sparkle brilliantly. In contrast, a fake may appear hazy or opaque with internal flaws. Checking for fluorescence is another test to determine if a diamond is real. A small percentage of genuine diamonds show blue, white or yellow fluorescence under ultraviolet light. However, imitation diamonds often glow very strongly.

Advanced testing methods like examining the diamond under a gemological microscope can also detect natural imperfections found in mined diamonds but absent in man-made ones. Even advanced technological techniques like spectroscopic analysis are used by experts to identify the true molecular composition. In a nutshell, closely examining properties like clarity, cut, fluorescence reaction and molecular structure through simple visual inspection or advanced tools helps verify if a diamond is a pure natural gemstone or a synthetic imitation. An expert’s evaluation is highly recommended before investing in diamond jewellery.

Method of Wearing Diamond

As per ancient Indian texts and astrologers, there are certain guidelines to wear a diamond for maximum benefits:

  • As per astrology, it is important to check the horoscope before wearing a diamond. An astrologer will examine the birth chart to determine if there is a combination of planets known as ‘diamond yog’, which makes one suited for this gemstone. They will also analyze the placement and strength of the planet Venus, which rules over diamonds. Wearing a diamond is only advisable if Venus is placed favourably in the chart and is in a powerful position. Its benefits can then be reaped fully based on astrological guidance.
  • The planet Venus, which represents diamond, is believed to bestow maximum benefits when the gemstone is worn on a Friday. This is because Friday is ruled by Venus. Furthermore, the moon constellations of Bharani, Purva Phalguni or Purva Ashadha are also linked to Venus. So when a Friday coincides with these constellations, it is considered an extremely favourable time as per astrology to wear a diamond to attract wealth and prosperity.
  • The best finger to wear a diamond, as per Indian astrological texts, is the ring or middle finger of the right hand. The ring finger, also known as the anular finger, is said to be directly connected to the planet Venus which governs diamonds. Wearing a diamond on this finger allows one to harness the maximum energy and benefits of this gemstone. The middle finger, which is just next to the ring finger, is also approved. Placing the diamond jewellery on the fingers of the right hand is believed to attract positive energy.
  • As per astrological beliefs, before wearing a diamond, it is important to energize it for maximum benefits. Lighting incense sticks near the diamond and chanting mantras of the planet Venus, such as “Om Sham Shukraya Namah” 108 times is recommended. The incense smoke and vibrations of the chanting are said to cleanse the diamond and fill it with positive cosmic energy. This ritualistic preparation enhances the diamond’s ability to bestow the wearer with wealth, love, prosperity and overall well-being as per its association with Venus.
  • As per ancient astrology texts, the most beneficial diamond to wear is one that matches the qualities of being pure white or light blue in colour without any dark spots or internal flaws. Astrological scripts consider such a clean and clear diamond to be highly auspicious. Wearing a diamond that aligns with these mentioned qualities ensures maximum positive effects as per the planet Venus and astrological principles. Having a transparent gem without any darkening impurities allows the full benefits indicated as per celestial sciences.


Diamond or Heera is one of the most precious gemstones known for its beauty and hardness. It is considered auspicious and a symbol of wealth. However, wearing diamonds requires proper guidance to gain maximum benefits. The article discussed the properties, purity identification and correct method of wearing diamonds as per astrology. It is important to check the horoscope and wear a diamond on the suitable finger and the day ruled by planet Venus for best results. Consulting an expert astrologer ensures wearing a diamond or before you Buy Hira Stone, as per astrological principles, which can help attract wealth, prosperity and positive energy in one’s life. Following the traditional methods outlined gains the wearer the auspicious effects of this highly influential gemstone.

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