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All You Need to Know About Emerald Stone

Emerald is a precious gemstone that is becoming popular in various parts of the world due to its outstanding properties. If you want to buy emerald stones, you should know more details from different sources that will help you make the right decision. Moreover, they allow you to select the best stone that caters to your needs. Another thing is that you will experience more advantages after wearing a gemstone. However, you need to know how to use the emerald stone properly after evaluating your birth chart with an astrologer.

The physical and metaphysical properties of emerald stones 

Emerald stone is green in colour due to vanadium and chromium traces. Since it has a hardness of 7.5-8 on the Mohs scale, you need more care while wearing it. Furthermore, the stone has several metaphysical properties that allow you to lead a successful life. Some of them include positive energy, knowledge improvement, concentration, love, compassion, etc.

Know the value of emerald stones

High-grade emeralds are more valuable than diamonds on a carat basis. You can always see some flaws in emeralds, and flawless emeralds are very rare in the market. The four factors that will determine the value of emerald stones are carat weight, cut, clarity, and colour. A gemologist may use some tools to determine the grade of emerald stones.

Colour of emerald stones

Colour plays an important role in determining the value of an emerald stone. Hue, tone, and saturation are three factors that are widely used in the examination. The colours of emerald stones range from bluish-green to pure green, and you can choose them according to your needs.

Size of emerald stones

Emerald stones come in various sizes, and you should know about them in detail before buying. On the other hand, the cut emeralds use millimeters instead of carats when it comes to length and width. The colour of emerald stones will increase by cutting them deeper or shallower, which can affect their weight significantly.

Clarity of emerald stones

You can see small flaws in emerald stones without magnification, and gemstone sellers don’t follow any grading system. The AAA rating cycle implies that the emerald stones blend with colours. You should give importance to colour when buying a stone because it is the most important factor that determines its quality.

Emerald stones require more care

Although emerald stones are highly durable, they will get damaged when you don’t handle them with care. Therefore, you should know how to maintain them from different sources that will help improve the conditions effectively. You should consider cleaning the emerald stones with some warm soapy water and scrubbing them gently. However, make sure that you are not using any harsh chemicals while cleaning emerald stones and you should dry them after completing the cleaning process. You should also store them in a soft pouch or jewellery box and keep them away from other gemstones.

Why should you use emerald stones?

1. Success in business

Emerald stone is suitable for ensuring success in your business because it provides ways to earn high profits and revenues. If you want to become an entrepreneur, then you can wear this stone to get the desired outcomes.

2. Ideal for spiritual purposes

The emerald stones are suitable for spiritual purposes because they allow you to increase your intuitive powers. Apart from this, they open up your receptivity and help you connect to the spiritual realms quickly.

3. Enhances creativity and innovation

The primary advantage of using an emerald stone is that it allows you to enhance your creativity and innovation skills. It provides feasible methods to improve your concentration and focus on work and other things.

4. Protection from negativity

Wearing an emerald stone allows you to get protection from negative thoughts, enabling you to accomplish goals in life. Besides this, you can reduce the malefic effects of mercury and experience peace of mind.

5. Improves your wealth

Emerald enables you to improve your wealth and money by addressing your essential needs properly. It allows you to overcome any obstacles in your financial affairs that help you gain more advantages.

6. Improves relationships 

Another advantage of wearing an emerald stone is that it helps you improve relationships with others. Building relationships allows you to ensure success in your personal life and profession.

How do I buy emerald stones?

1. Choose a shape

When you want to buy an emerald stone, you should consider choosing a shape that suits your needs. This is because it is available in different shapes, and you should know about them in detail.

2. Quality selection 

All emerald stones have some inclusions, and you should give more importance to the colour while buying them. You should view the images and descriptions carefully when you want to buy emerald stone online because they give you some ideas. Also, make sure that you receive the same product after ordering it online.

3. Treatments 

Like other gemstones, emerald undergoes a treatment process to improve its colour and lustre. Untreated stones are very rare to get on the market, and you should know their treatment process with attention.

4. Price 

Price is an important factor to keep in mind when it comes to emerald buy online because it may vary from one store to another. You should compare the prices of stones online to stick to your budget when buying them.

5. Certification 

You should only buy emerald stones from a reputed online store that has a certification. This will help you prevent damage or other problems. It is wise for you to check the certification of a store to meet your needs in the buying process.

6. Reviews  You should read the reviews and testimonials of online stores when you want to purchase emerald stones. Furthermore, you can gain some ideas that will help you buy the best stones that suit your lifestyle and other things. You should make sure that a store is a certified one while buying emerald stones because it enables you to reduce unwanted problems effectively.

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